22-02-25 11:00 - 22-02-25 14:00
Join the Don Catchment Rivers Trust and learn about wetland management and conservation. We will be using tools to remove trees and making habitat piles. You will also get a chance to do some willow weaving and make a star to take home. Hot drinks and snacks provided, plus optional Breakfast and chance to see behind the scenes at our office before the day!
This event is open to 13-25 year olds, for more information please click or tap here to check out our DCRT Youth page!
When: 11am-2pm
Option to meet at 10am at the Don Catchment Rivers Trust office for breakfast and a lift to the site. We can give you a lift back to the office for arrival around 2.30pm.
We can also provide a lift from Doncaster train station at the start and end of the day if you let us know in advance.
Where: Don catchment Rivers Trust office at 10am - Churchill Business Centre Churchill Road (off, Wheatley Hall Rd, Doncaster DN2 4LP.
What 3 words: ///scars.native.coins Google Maps Pin: click here
Hexthorpe Ings Site at 11am - Near the entrance to the allotments, next to the River Don at the end of Bramworth Road, Doncaster, DN4 0HW.
What 3 words: ///drum.admits.nights. Google Maps Pin: click here
What to bring: We provide all of the equipment on the day, however please wear suitable clothing for outdoor work. We provide wellingtons to borrow on the day.
Please bring your own packed lunch and a cold drink.
What to do if I want to attend?
Please let us know that you want to join us by emailing [email protected] or by texting one of our team: Anthony Cox on 07384543124 or Sally Hyslop on 07780 333743
If you are between the ages of 13-15, please ask your parent/guardian to get in touch to complete a parental consent form. You can come along without a parent, however we do require signed permission from a parent or guardian in advance.
If you are aged 16+ please let the DCRT team know if you wish to help out on our events so we can get you signed up as a volunteer. Written permission is not required but please let your parent or guardian know you are planning on attending and give them our details.
For more information, please click or tap here to check out our DCRT Youth page.