Please note this date has been postponed due to the woodland officer being off with covid – we will now be running a litter-pick
Join the Friends of the Don Valley Way and Rotherham Council for a day of tree-planting at Ickles Lock. We’ll be planting small trees onto a grassland area. The trees are a mixture of native species that will act to support wildlife and provide new woodland habitat at the site. These trees will also help soak up and intercept rainwater, helping to ‘slow the flow’ of water into the navigation during high rainfall events.
Times: 10am-1pm
Date: Tuesday 11th January
Where: We are meeting at the small car park off Brinsworth street. Go over the level crossing, then over the bridge over the canal and it’s the second right into the car park.
You can use what three words (///dine.formal.axed) to get there:
Equipment and protective gear, like wellingtons, will be provided for volunteers to borrow on the day.
Hot drinks and biccies provided, but please bring your own water and lunch if you’ll need it.
New volunteers are always welcome, but please contact the office before – [email protected]