Join the Don Catchment Rivers Trust as we conduct habitat improvement tasks along the Moss Brook, SE Sheffield!
We will be installing several ‘Large Woody Debris (LWD)’ structures. LWD is essential for healthy rivers, providing shelter for young fish, reducing fine sediments within the channel and trapping organic matter for invertebrates as well as a number of other vital functions. For more information on this and to read about a case study in Somersall Park, Chesterfield, click here. Working with our Fishery Habitat Officer – Matt Duffy – who will be using a chainsaw to fell trees into the channel, volunteers are needed to initially help ensure the felling area is clear of the public, winch trees into position and secure using metal cable and crimps. Winching can be quite physical so some fitness is needed.
These sessions will be happening throughout August and September but come along to this first session to see what it is all about! Please let Matt or Charlotte know that you will be attending the session by emailing [email protected]. This is particularly important as we need a minimum of three people to run the days.
These are full day sessions. We will provide plenty of tea and biscuits but please bring your own lunch and water.
When: Tuesday 6th August, 9:30am – 3:30pm
Where: We will be meeting in the Ford Wheel Dam car park, S12 3YD
What 3 Words:
Google Maps Pin:
What to bring: We provide all of the equipment on the day however please wear suitable clothing for outdoor work including sturdy shoes or boots and long trousers. Even if it is warm weather, it is advisable to cover up to protect against spiky plants and stings. We will provide wellingtons to borrow on the day but please let us know in advance by emailing [email protected] to ensure we have your size.
What to expect: We will be working in and along the river banks, moving trees and debris. All training will be provided.
Don’t forget to let us know if you’re coming along!