Tasks: natural flood management – leaky dam installation
Timing: 10am – 3pm
The main activity of the day will involve building leaky dams of different sizes made out of timber from the woods that are fixed into position across streams. The dams help to slow down flood flows as water levels rise during heavy rainfall. Activities will include digging, sawing, post bashing, moving logs into position and fixing them in place. It’s quite physical work but we have lifting aids to help share the load and will have plenty of breaks and biscuits to help keep energy levels up! Long sleeves, trousers and waterproofs are recommended. All other equipment will be provided.
There are a limited number of spaces available so you will need to book on to sessions in advance.
Please register through this ticket link – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/newfield-spring-woods-volunteer-day-nfm-registration-195767344397
If you have any queries about the day, email us at [email protected].