About the Don Catchment Rivers Trust

The Don Catchment Rivers Trust (DCRT) was established to help protect and restore rivers in the River Don catchment area, this includes not just the River Don but all the rivers and streams which flow into it such as the River Dearne, River Rother, the Sheaf, Went, Ea Beck and many others.
Our rivers are a valuable asset which tell the story of our culture and heritage. They are important for people, wildlife and the local economy, and form an integral part of our landscape.

Our mission statement
Working to Protect and Restore Your Rivers
Our rivers will THRIVE. Positive change will ensure our rivers and their wildlife are better valued and protected into the future. The rich heritage, ecology, history and amenity value of our rivers will be appreciated by people, communities, and decision makers.
What we do / our work
RIVER RESTORATION – restoring habitats and re-naturalising rivers. Removing barriers and improving fish passage.
WORKING WITH NATURE – nature based solutions and natural flood management
LAND MANAGEMENT – working with farmers and riverside businesses to improve water quality, and improve access to our rivers. Tackling invasive species.
PEOPLE & COMMUNITIES – working with volunteers and community groups to improve their rivers, inspiring young people through educational visits and events, and promoting wellbeing
WORKING TOGETHER – promoting and encouraging partnership working and collaboration across the catchment
EVIDENCE & MONITORING – using data and evidence to support our projects, enabling people by Citizen Science
History of the Don Catchment Rivers Trust
The possibility of setting up a Rivers Trust was explored at a series of meetings in South Yorkshire during 2004 & 2005. These concluded that a trust should be set up and a small working group was established in Penistone with a view to establishing a charity. The working group fixed the geographical limits of operation to the catchments of the Rivers Don, Dearne and Rother.
A company limited by guarantee was formed in 2008 and charitable status was obtained in 2010. Since then, we have delivered many projects throughout the catchment, including major projects such as Living Heritage of the River Don and Hidden Heritage Secret Streams. Have a look at our projects page to learn more about what we have achieved so far!