Join the Don catchment Rivers Trust to help remove litter from the Dalton Brook At the entrance to Dalton Fields just opposite Foljambe Drive off Magna Lane.
We will be meeting at 10am and finishing at 1pm with a break for refreshments halfway through. Wellingtons can be provided however you will have to get in touch to let us know what sizes you require and there are only a limited amount. Please wear sturdy boots or shoes and suitable clothing for outdoor work. We do provide a drink but if it is a very hot day please bring along a bottle of water to drink throughout the day.
Where: The Parish Council have kindly allowed us to park in the Parish Hall car park which is a short walk from the meeting point.
Adress- Magna Lane/ Foljambe Drive, Dalton, Rotherham S65 4HH
Google Maps Pin-
What 3 Words – ///drips.empire.cake
For more information or if you have any questions about this event please emai [email protected] or contact task leader Anthony Cox on 07384 543124 (Please not Anthony worked Monday-Thursday 8:30-16:00).
If you are not yet registered as a volunteer please email [email protected]