Volunteer training – summer tree id 16-08-17 10:00 - 13:00 Address: 1 Storth Ln, Wharncliffe Side, Sheffield S35 0DW, UK [{"latlong":["53.444375","-1.560987"],"location":"1 Storth Ln, Wharncliffe Side, Sheffield S35 0DW, UK","zoom":17,"infow":"1 Storth Ln, Wharncliffe Side, Sheffield S35 0DW, UK<\/span><\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/label>\n\t\t\t\t\t 16-08-17 <\/span> 10:00 - 13:00 <\/span><\/div>"}] Volunteer training session – how to identify summer trees Location: Glen Howe Park, Sheffield Join us for a morning session learning how to identify trees along the Tinker Brook! Please download a volunteer training booking form here . BlogRestore Nature Now! DCRT attended a march in London to help give the Don a voice!Unsure on how to vote in the upcoming election on the 4th of July?Lucy’s week of Work Experience at DCRT Recent Tweets Tweets by DonCatchmentRT Newsletter Signup Our Partners